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How to Change your University Password Remotely

If Your University Account Password is About to Expire,
Please choose one of the following methods to change your password:

From a workplace provided computer

  • Connect to the VPN using our typical procedure.
    1. Close any programs you may have running such as Outlook, MS Teams or any website applications
    2. Press ctrl+alt+del on your keyboard
    3. Select the option ‘Change a Password
    4. Enter your current password then the new password where indicated. Then press enter. You will be returned to your desktop
    5. To ensure this has worked correctly, wait 2 minutes, disconnect the VPN and then reconnect the VPN using the new password just created

* Please note that this method is NOT applicable to students

From a Personal Computer used to access campus network

  • Visit the Identity Managersite at
    1. Login with your current password
    2. Click on the My Informationtile
    3. Enter your old password and new password where indicated
    4. Click ‘Apply’ in the upper right corner to change your password as desired. 

      * Please note that this method is NOT applicable to faculty/staff computers encrypted with PGP. Users of these devices should use method #1 above

Password Complexity Requirements:

  • Must be at least 8 characters in length (letters, numbers or symbols)
  • It cannot contain more than 2 characters from your: Name, Username or Student ID #
  • It cannot contain dictionary words longer than 4 letters 
  • It cannot contain the following symbols: (* = " ; . | < > or &)
  • It cannot be one of your previous 12 University account passwords
  • Must contain a combination of three out of the four of the following: 
  2. lower case letters: a, b, c, d, z 
  3. numbers: 0, 1, 2, 3,9 
  4. one of the special characters: !, $, etc. (except for the ones listed above)