How to Find and Use the Pharmacology Internal Webpage
The Department of Pharmacology has an Internal website to make it easy to find department forms, events, and other information. Hosting internal resources in this way is also better security practice. On the department's public website, the Resources tab has now been updated:
Accessing the Internal Webpage
Click on the "Internal Resources" link to go to the internal page. You will then need to login with your University credentials. You can also click "Yes" if you see the "Stay signed in?" option so that you will not have to sign in again on the computer/browser you are using.
Overview of the Page
You should now see the internal resources page. See the picture below (click to enlarge) for a quick overview of what is on the page. There are four types of resources at this time: Forms, Guides, Events, and the List of Shared Equipment.

Your page may look slightly different based on permissions.

You can still bookmark any resource within the internal page to access it directly. You do not need to use this internal page first to access them (it is not a portal).

The Equipment Reservation system is the exception to "no additional logins" as it requires a unique login to use. If you do not have a login and need to use this system, please contact