IT App Support
Adobe, Global Protect, Office, and other University Licensed Software Guides.
How to Re-install Global Protect (VPN) for PC & Mac
Many Issues in Global Protect can be resolved by uninstalling and reinstalling it. Try the steps ...
Adobe Licenses Explained
Adobe Acrobat Pro licenses available for faculty and staff by request at no cost and the Adobe Cr...
How to Install Microsoft Office 365 (Now called Apps 365)
This article will walk you through installing the Office 365 (also referred to as "O365") suite u...
How to Install Adobe Acrobat (& Other Adobe Apps)
Before you begin, make sure you have an active license for either the Creative Cloud suite or Ado...
Docusign 101
DocuSign is a HIPPA-compliant resource that allows users to view, create, send, manage, and sign ...
How to Open/View PST Files
Open the Desktop application for Microsoft Outlook and click File > Open & Export > Import/Export...
Admin Team: How to Add/Update Guides on
When you first go to, click on the login button in the upper-right: Enter your em...
Set up RClone to Mount a SharePoint Drive (Windows)
If you have a SharePoint site for your lab, this guide will help you mount it in a way that emula...